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Турнир #17611 «Night Pyramid Mobile»

Mahjong pyramid with smartphone size (max 7x11)
Время сервера: 2025-02-13 08:21
ТурнирПризовой фондРейтинг Начало регистрации Начало турнираТурВзносМинут на тур Участники
#17611 Маджонг пирамида Night Pyramid Mobileround Призовой фонд200   +1 ∞ R09.07 09:3009.07 23:00 7/7Бесплатно10 (6)8 / 8
ИгрокI (26.12 20:00-26.12 20:09) #474491II (26.12 20:08-26.12 20:20) #461389III (26.12 20:16-26.12 20:28) #449071IV (26.12 20:24-26.12 20:36) #454508V (26.12 20:32-26.12 20:44) #450393ФораОчкиМестоПриз
2199 ludmilkaaa70 2025-02-12 15:35:3910 (00:38)11 (02:01)9 (02:41)8 (01:12)11 (02:34)0492309
2153 pumpkin_raccoon Online11 (00:33)10 (02:23)11 (02:03)9 (01:09)3 (03:44)2465101
1689 Nata2803 2025-02-13 01:25:046 (00:48)5 (04:19)4 (05:09)3 (03:50)0 (-)10288
1592 Enloki 2025-02-13 01:11:045 (00:52)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)16219
1532 lIlI1949 2025-02-08 20:38:383 (00:55)7 (02:58)6 (04:08)4 (02:35)9 (02:41)1847481
2115 corsica Online9 (00:41)11 (02:01)10 (02:17)6 (01:33)8 (02:58)4483207
1699 mvt222 Online4 (00:54)8 (02:34)8 (03:06)11 (00:58)5 (03:21)844645
1600 VampireDasha 2025-02-13 00:55:048 (00:44)4 (04:21)3 (05:55)2 (06:10)6 (03:19)1437718
1904 Percy 2025-02-13 04:05:047 (00:46)9 (02:28)9 (02:41)5 (01:53)10 (02:36)646589
1636 elenina12 2025-02-12 23:55:049 (00:41)8 (02:34)7 (03:19)10 (01:05)7 (03:03)12531257
1372 hanborsven 2025-02-13 02:01:042 (01:15)6 (03:09)5 (04:18)7 (01:31)4 (03:38)2044625

Активные игры

Theraaa 43 Solver Rank
2023-07-09 23:24
What does Berger means in storing? Next to points?

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GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2023-07-09 23:41 + 1
I'm not really sure, it's somehow related to the place you land in. The higher it is, the better, if I remember correctly
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2023-07-09 23:42 + 2
According to Wikipedia,
"The Sonneborn–Berger score (or the Neustadtl score) is a scoring system often used to break ties in chess tournaments. It is computed by summing the conventional score of each defeated opponent, and half the conventional score of each drawn"
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GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank
2023-07-09 23:49
@Theraaa, you won, congrats! :)

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