⎕ ⍆

Milutin @milutin03

Serbia, Зарегистрирован: 2019-03-06 22:25
Последний вход: 2025-03-20 01:13   Rank: 82 8.9%   premium 2025-08-06
Алмазная Лига

Турнирный рейтинг ELO

- 2542
- 2480
- 2136
- 2082
- 2076
- 2030
- 2017
- 2005
- 2002
- 1999
- 1982
- 1948
- 1941
- 1924
- 1875
- 1837
- 1823
- 1817
- 1815
- 1800
- 1786
- 1785
- 1782
- 1767
- 1749
- 1749
- 1733
- 1726
- 1723
- 1712
- 1700
- 1690
- 1688
- 1684
- 1684
- 1682
- 1677
- 1676
- 1653
- 1641
- 1636
- 1629
- 1620
- 1608
- 1602
- 1592
- 1586
- 1585
- 1573
- 1570
- 1558
- 1536
- 1532
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- 1525
- 1497
- 1493
- 1490
- 1485
- 1483
- 1475
- 1463
- 1443
- 1441
- 1435
- 1431
- 1413
- 1374
- 1363
- 1357
- 1336
- 1332
- 1327
- 1324
- 1311
- 1106

Места в рейтингах

- Elo 51
- Elo 39
- Elo 37
- Elo 44
- Elo 17
- Elo 57
- Elo 54
- Elo 23
- Elo 10
- Elo 118
- Elo 47
- Elo 64
- Elo 32
- Elo 17
- Elo 18
- Elo 12
- Elo 23
- Elo 15
- Elo 13
- Elo 11
- Elo 16
- Elo 13
- Elo 20
- Elo 19
- Elo 19
- Elo 40
- Elo 15
- Elo 23
- Elo 13
- Elo 93
- Elo 96
- Elo 12
- Elo 54
- Elo 43
- Elo 90
- Elo 10
- Elo 35
- Elo 48
- Elo 52
- Elo 82
- Elo 11
- Elo 63
- Elo 18
- Elo 12
- Elo 28
- Elo 11
- Elo 14
- Elo 34
- Elo 10
milutin03   2025-03-15 12:17
Победитель /tournaments/27285
milutin03   2025-03-15 12:12
Победитель /tournaments/27280
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /kakurasu/id477069   2025-01-04 12:26

I solve this one in around 2.5 minutes.
then system show sand clock icon and I waiting for afervote respose from site.
After 15 minutes of waiting I see dat my effort not regisered as SOLVED.
I reopen it again an put what I remember from solving proces.
So my tournament time is 18 minutes.

Нравится + 4     2
GummyBears Solver Rank  2025-01-03 19:05 + 0


GingerMartian Solver Rank  2025-01-04 12:26 + 0

I'm sorry to hear this :( So unfair((

milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/26305   2025-01-03 18:42

Recently Alex posted this:

"Вот так называется, победил в турнире: соперники просто сдали мне игры. Интересно, были такие случаи раньше."

I was second finalist, and I explained why I miss final. I am sure that I don't have to explain this time. (Anyway I forgot this time as well)

I am participant in almost all weekly tournaments so main reason is because this task was deeply hidden in other 60-70 puzzles I need to solve until some deadline.

I think that @Admin can bettered this list of ACTIVE GAMES just to sort it in some order that game with shortest deadline be on top of the list of Active games.

Every ordinal weekly marathon I collect several zeroes from the same reason. I miss deadline for a task.

Нравится + 7     1
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2025-01-03 18:42 + 1

@milutin03 you're right, it's quite easy to get lost in the active games list(

milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/25987   2024-12-15 16:30

I noticed earlier that Maze as well as Floating Puzzless require lot of memory and very good grahic performance of Your device.
It happens to me to lose lot of time when I try to play it. Sometimes this was not possible at all.

Нравится + 5     1
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2024-12-15 16:30 + 0

Yes, unfortunately, these games put a lot of stress on the CPU. I just avoid them altogether

milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/25786   2024-11-30 22:20


Нравится + 11     3
mvt222 Solver Rank  2024-11-29 01:52 + 7

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss!!! :)
Thank you for the hard struggle! respekt

NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2024-11-29 03:47 + 6

Ого! gamer

iris8 Solver Rank  2024-11-30 22:20 + 2

Да уж, эпично!

milutin03 Solver Rank
! /feed   2024-11-20 19:40

Since daily prize is introduced I was not received any artifacts.
Today I get this:


Нравится + 11     2
NinetySeven Solver Rank  2024-11-20 19:25 + 2


GingerMartian Solver Rank  2024-11-20 19:40 + 2

Congrats,! :)

milutin03 Solver Rank
! /craft/prize   ! #596575   2024-06-08 22:34
Has anyone received an artifact here?

Кто-нибудь получал здесь артефакт?

Нравится + 6     17
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-08-26 22:29 + 4
I don't think I have
Don't remember, tbh
Blbbzk Solver Rank  2023-08-27 06:49 + 4
Я не помню где я получала артефакты ( в дропе или здесь).
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milutin03 Solver Rank
! /klyuchvordy/id427033   2024-04-25 21:03

I was extremely fast on this one.
And I expect little bit better placement.

Нравится + 2     1
Vovka. Solver Rank  2024-04-25 21:03 + 2


milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/21503   2024-02-04 19:45
Go, Tatiana, Go! acute

Нравится + 3     1
t98743235 Solver Rank  2024-02-04 19:45 + 2
@Milutin, thank you!

But I haven't solved any such solitaire game yet. Unfortunately, they don't work for me at all :(
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/20375   2023-11-24 07:50
Is it new solitare game or some compilation?

Нравится + 4     2
milutin03 Solver Rank  2023-11-23 21:04 + 4
I got it!
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-11-24 07:50 + 1
It's a recent addition to the solitaire collection)
milutin03 Solver Rank
Interesting choice of items for crafting this one.

Except bricks and few guns, military and peoples, all other have almost nothing in logical sense with tower in Vukovar.

Also, icon not look like tower in reality.

Нравится + 4     2
milutin03 Solver Rank  2023-10-31 22:52 + 3
Icon is now entirely OK.
But when I craft this one, 10 Crown power was needed!
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-11-01 00:32 + 2
The page seems to be gone now - I get a 404 error
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /sokoban/id334801   2023-10-04 20:02
I was almost abandon solving this puzzle.
Two times goal was in sight but in both cases I realize that error causing bad situation was happen half hour ago.
Two or more minutes my job was to keep finger on undo button.

Congratulations to all of You who decide to go to the finish line in this Sokoban. arcanum-3

Я почти отказался от решения этой головоломки.
Два раза гол был виден, но в обоих случаях я понимаю, что ошибка, вызвавшая плохую ситуацию, произошла полчаса назад.
Две или более минут моя работа заключалась в том, чтобы держать палец на кнопке отмены.

Поздравляем всех Вас, кто решил прийти к финишу в этом Сокобане. arcanum-3

Нравится + 7     2
Vovka. Solver Rank  2023-10-04 16:52 + 4
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-10-04 20:02 + 2
@milutin03 congratulations! solnce
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /achievements/sv_picross_4   ! #581543   2023-08-04 18:51
Congratulations to @eLLioTT!

Primarily hi was first player to complete this achievement.
Secondly, in 1000 puzzle I solved for this, there are only few of them where I was capable to better his time (say below 3%).

So only one Elvis for me ehlvis-gitarist.

Нравится + 7     6
eLLioTT Solver Rank  2023-08-03 01:31 + 2
Yes, but it took you only one month and a half to get the achievement (I spent 3 monthes).
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-08-03 02:28 + 1
Has @milutin03 left for good? :'(
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milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/16824   2023-06-08 18:59
Almost there. birdie-twitter

Нравится + 3     1
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/16770   2023-06-04 23:02

Нравится + 1     1
elenina12 Solver Rank  2023-06-04 23:02 + 0
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /craft/info/tip   2023-05-31 14:26
This must be some kind of error. Not logical that one hint cost so much! be

Нравится + 3     8
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-05-31 08:20 + 1
Do you mean the recipe or the market price?
iris8 Solver Rank  2023-05-31 10:08 + 3
Я думаю @milutin03 имеет в виду вес подсказки. У них и у фишек, я так понимаю, специально вес увеличили.
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milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/15972   2023-04-04 16:08
I am capable to forgot on marathon scheduled time for round ending.
At 5th round, after 50 minutes hard work I was finished puzzle 19 sec after limit.
At 6th round, almost again to fail. I was finished puzzle 38 sec before limit ending.

Нравится + 7     1
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2023-04-04 16:08 + 2
:( sorry to hear that( It happens to me a lot as well(
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /craft/lottery   2023-01-17 12:45
This is not correct by GG,

We are forced to use them, but Green Lottery give only 2 items. And repeatedly two same items: Coal briquette and fastener.
I spent 5 green tickets to convinced myself in that.


Нравится + 4     3
iris8 Solver Rank  2023-01-17 12:34 + 3
5 билетов не стала тратить, но да, сегодня зеленый билет дает только 2 предмета: брикет и крепеж.
Вчера еще давали по 3, правда всякой ерунды как обычно.
GrandGames Admin  2023-01-17 12:36 + 1
Thanks, we'll check
GrandGames Admin  2023-01-17 12:45 + 0
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /craft/info/fishing_tournament   2022-12-20 16:45
Here in Serbia, fishing some of Tournament are held for 20 participant. First three receive diplomas and champagne.

Нравится + 10     3
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2022-02-15 20:18 + 2
140308  2022-12-20 15:02 + 2
Vovka. Solver Rank  2022-12-20 16:45 + 5
I understood that men receive champagne, girls are rewarded with catssmile
Cool stickerklass
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/14364   2022-11-27 22:58
Congratulation to Tatiana.


Нравится + 2     1
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2022-11-27 22:58 + 1
Присоединяюсь) @t98743235, trophy :)
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/14345   2022-11-24 23:12
This is not bad. I can focus on football now!

Нравится + 1     1
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2022-11-24 23:12 + 1
Have fun! ;)
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/14345   2022-11-24 23:12
To lucky or not to lucky.

Any other player suits me better. alchemist-1

Нравится + 1     1
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2022-11-24 23:12 + 1
I got lucky) I'm sure you'll win next time solnce
milutin03 Solver Rank

I will make 8 stickers with various themes, for 12th Grand Games Birthday.

they will be soon completed. So please wait until all 8 of them appear in currently moderation.

Нравится + 5     4
anikina  2022-11-16 13:58 + 5
Sorry for the clarification. November 30th will be only the 11th anniversary of the site.
Извините за уточнение. 30 ноября будет только 11 годовщина сайта.
Анонимно  2022-11-16 17:51 + 1
Very nice stickers! But @anikina is right - it`s he 11th anniversary) I think, stickers can wait a little, and next year we `ll make them with great pleasure)
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milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/14251   2022-11-15 23:12
@ GingerMartian

Marathon ticket is not bad at all! antique-car

Нравится + 4     1
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2022-11-15 23:12 + 2
Thanks! :) Congrats on winning the tournament solnce
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /sudokukiller/id350914   2022-10-14 00:06
I am close to finish 1000 sudoku killer achievement. Now one thing is interesting to me. When this kind of puzzle appear I remember that sometimes happens that two number can be in same area, if they are in different rows or columns or 3x3 blocks.

I also can not remember in last near 1400 solved killers that this situation were happen to me.

In rules of puzzles, nothing write about this. Does anyone knows does it rules are changed in meantime, or I simply not meet one of killers with this pattern.


Нравится + 3     4
eLLioTT Solver Rank  2022-10-10 01:03 + 1
Not 100% sure, but I think I've met this situation sometimes.
pushinka24  2022-10-10 06:22 + 2
Мне встречались несколько раз головоломки «Судоку-киллер» с одинаковыми цифрами в одной области. Я об этом писала в Ленте. Я не люблю такие головоломки. Но я их решала.
milutin03 Solver Rank  2022-10-10 11:42 + 0

I also remember in the beginning that someone comment his troubles because he not consider this, but later a solve all earlier killers and in last over thousand of them, I don remember any such scenario. So I wander whether system now make only new puzzles without this.
It is significant to know if I can use this as 100% sure conclusion.
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/13156   2022-09-04 00:13
@GingerMartians, congrats! Good luck with the next stage of the tournament :)

Нравится + 2     3
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2022-09-03 23:54 + 2
@milutin03, thanks! solnce
milutin03 Solver Rank  2022-09-03 23:58 + 3
Ooo, Well Done!alpinist
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2022-09-04 00:13 + 2
Thank you :) solnce
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /craft/info/alien_base   2022-08-06 18:01
I want to document this change of recipe. This place seems to me is appropriate. When Alien Base was announced it look like this.


I think that all other craft items required for this one are remain same.
I am not sure, but as I remember, Irina was craft this after number of unobtainiums was reduced from 25 to 5.
This is 10 million coins less then it was when I craft it.

Я хочу задокументировать это изменение рецепта. Это место кажется мне подходящим. Когда объявили Alien Base, она выглядела так.


Я думаю, что все остальные предметы, необходимые для этого, остались прежними.
Я не уверен, но насколько я помню, Ирина сделала это после того, как количество унобтаниумов было уменьшено с 25 до 5.
Это на 10 миллионов монет меньше, чем было, когда я его создал.

Нравится + 4     2
Vi2 Solver Rank  2022-08-06 11:21 + 4
Это есть жизнь: всё течёт, всё меняется. Когда-то мобильный телефон стоил ого-го - целое состояние, а сейчас каждый может его иметь.
milutin03 Solver Rank  2022-08-06 18:01 + 1
@Vi2 : I think You miss the point. Future will prove if I am wrong.
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/12531   2022-07-07 23:49
Congratulations Tatjana! beachball

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anikina  2022-07-07 22:47 + 2
Tatjana, поздравляю!!! firework firework firework
t98743235 Solver Rank  2022-07-07 23:49 + 2
milutin03 Solver Rank
! /tournaments/12359   2022-06-21 15:22
Good luck to @Percy or @Aa24504356, through the Final. I will not be able to compete until next week.

Нравится + 3     1
Aa24504356  2022-06-21 15:22 + 2
milutin03,thank you
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